All posts by wa8rra

WA8RRA at Spark in the Park 2016


On August 20, Scott NE8E and Jay K8DC set up a demonstration table at Spark in the Park (, a science fair for amateur radio.

The turnout was hampered by severe thunderstorms and a tornado warning, but quite a few attendees showed up nonetheless.

Scott showed some “Manhattan-style” projects he has built, including a 2 meter low pass filter, and 2 meter FM transmitter. Jay showed his equipment for building circuit boards with surface-mount devices at home, including a small reflow oven and a custom circuit board he designed and built. He also set up a hot-air soldering station so that people could try their hand at soldering small SMD components onto a PC board, and it was popular with folks who had never tried this soldering technique before.

Jay set up a web page for people seeking more information and links about building with SMDs:




Field Day 2016

Our thanks to Saranac Community Schools for hosting ARRL Field Day 2016 for the Riverside Radio Amateurs ARC.

{Ahhh, the hitch is at the other end of the trailer…I’m just sayin’}

We had beautiful weather Friday through Sunday morning.

{I can’t believe I just ate seven cheeseburgers!!}

We made over 200 contacts, voice and Morse code.

{Is that a ground wire, or are you happy to see me?}









We had four stations running simultaneously throughout the contest.

{Thank you for your support Western Michigan & Northern Indiana Emergency Disaster Services !}








{This wire wasn”t here a minute ago….was it?}

The Salvation Army supplied us with plenty of hydration, snacks and food to make sure we had energy to work through the entire contest.

{Honey, I shrunk the laptop !}








{Sharp three element home made beam ! …and the car’s for sale 😉 }






{Would you believe this trailer is 145 feet long?}

We had quite a few visitors this year.  Thanks to WION for helping to get the word out about our Field Day activities this year!

{Make more QSO’s or I’ll turn the fan off!@!}
{We forgot the club callsign ;-( }
{Beautiful day… We’re in our happy place!}
{Hey!! Where’s my operator?? Let’s make some QSO’s here!!}
{Who’s your DURA cell??}

















K8DC conducted a training exercise dealing with the use of solar power in amateur radio field operations.

The cells pictured in this post are keeping two deep cycle batteries topped off.  The batteries, in turn, are providing power for an Icom IC-7300, as well as lighting and ventilation equipment.

Thank you, Jay, for the informative seminar, as well as for the ABT’s, which kept our individual power cells operational Friday evening ! !


{Ahhh..I got my thumb stuck in the paddle… A little help here??}
{Happy Field Day 2016 Folks ! !}