All posts by wa8rra

QSL Card Project Nears Completion ? ! ?

We haven’t re-designed our club QSL card since we changed our club callsign…

So, for the past few weeks, our members have been working up “concept” cards for consideration.  Here are a few cards to look at and critique.

Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions.  Did we leave something out?  Does something need tweaking?  Thanks in advance for your input!

Concept Card # 1


Concept card # 2 – front
Concept card # 2 – back
Concept card # 3 – front



Concept card # 3 – back

Field Day 2015

Field Day 2015 has come and gone!  Our thanks to Saranac Community Schools for being our kind host for yet another year.

This year marked a first for the RRA, as we fielded 5 stations, functioning concurrently.  We made over 560 contacts, successfully working all bands from 160m to 6m !  The sound of gas generators was prevalent, as we opted for emergency power status, once more, but we had one “silent partner” for the first time this year.  Jay McClellan, K8DC, a new ham, brought in a solar powered QRP station (and headphones).  Way to go Jay !

The Greater Grand Rapids canteen, from The Salvation Army’s Emergency Disaster Services unit, again provided participants with hydration, meals and snacks throughout the weekend.

Photos were provided by our friend Ralph, N8YQJ, who never fails to join us in Field Day competition!

Did we mention the food??  Not only did we have The Salvation Army’s offerings…  Folks brought awesome dishes-to-pass and we ate like kings from Friday evening, through Sunday lunch.  If this is roughing it, sign me up for 2016 !!!!