After the March business meeting, we adjourned to the tech building workshop to continue our balun-building learning project.
Our instructor Jay K8DC has taken us through the theory and technology of baluns, impedance matching and common mode current filtering.
During one session, we worked on the design of a combination 4:1 impedance matching balun and common mode current rejection filter.
After design was completed, a prototype was constructed and tested, verifying the design’s effectiveness.
Jay then acquired materials and supplies in quantity, and our club members got down to the construction of their own dual-core baluns. The units are intended to be used as the feed-point of a multi-band HF wire dipole. They will convert the relatively high impedance of the antenna to a closer and more efficient match to that of 50ohm coaxial cable. The baluns will be able to handle full legal power.
Thanks again to Jay for his valuable instruction, patience and contribution to the art of amateur radio.